Everything You Need to Know About the SwimSafer Test With Odysseus Aquatics

(TEST DATE: 12th March 2024, Tuesday)

Dear parents,

Congratulations! Your child(ren) is/are taking this upcoming SwimSafer 2.0 test. Please read the following post very carefully as it contains important information for the assessment.

亲爱的家长们,您的小朋友即将参与我校的游泳考试。请您把以下的资料仔细的阅读 以免麻烦。谢谢。

#1 WHAT TO BRING 请携带以下物品

Please bring the following items (ITEMS WILL BE USED IN THE WATER DURING THE SWIMMING TEST) to your session:

  • Spare Short Sleeved T-Shirt 短袖上衣 (考试时使用) - USED IN TEST

  • Spare Shorts (only for levels 1 to 4) 短裤 (只限第一到第四级,考试时使用) - USED IN TEST

  • Goggles 游泳眼镜

  • Cap 游泳帽

  • Spare Long Pants (for levels 5 and 6 only) 长裤 (只限第五及第六级携带,考试时使用)- USED IN TEST

  • Student Card (For verification of identity) 学生证 (身份验证)

#2 WHERE TO GO 报道时间

Our SwimSafer assessments are held at the Woodlands Swimming Complex (Address: 3 Woodlands Street 13, Singapore 738600) beside the Woodlands ActiveSG Sports Centre in the North Region. You’ll find us with a registration booth right at the entrance of the Male / Female Toilet.

请把小朋友准时送到泳池集合 以免取消考试资格地点:兀兰公共游泳池 健身房隔壁


Please double check the time your child is booked for and ensure you arrive on time for the SwimSafer Test. Latecomers will not be allowed to take the test and no refunds or rescheduling will be allowed.



The SwimSafer theory test is now online.

It is compulsory for your child to take this online test. Failure to do so would result in no certificates being awarded. Please get the theory done within 2 weeks (Deadline: 26th March 2024, Tuesday) after the practical assessment to prevent any delays in the processing of the results and certificates.

  • Unlimited Tries (Scoring at least 80% - i.e. 16 /20 or 12 /15)

    • Parent can assist child(ren) for understanding

游泳考试中附有问答题的项目 请家长们确认孩子已把这项目完成 以便游泳学校发出小朋友们的文凭


To prepare for the theory test, kindly read through these two documents before making an attempt:

在回答问答题之前 请下载以下文件阅读

Document 1 – Water Safety Theory

Document 2 – Water Safety Knowledge

STEP 1: Log in per your submitted details to us

Accessing theory test website

Step 1: Access the SwimSafer theory test on the link below:

SwimSafer Online Theory Test Page


Step 2: Key in your child’s NRIC and date of birth to log in. (Use the submitted details for log in)

第二步:请以您的孩子的登记号码及生日 登入网站

IMPORTANT: Do note that the NRIC and date of birth used are the ones you submitted through the registration link. If you cannot log in, it means that you have registered an incorrect detail. Please email the Swimsafer office at sport_swimsafer@sport.gov.sg OR call 63457111 (SwimSafer department) to get them to edit the details. We regret that once forms are submitted, we will not be able to make any changes on our end.

请注意:如果您不能顺利登入网站 原因可能是您在帮孩子报名时 孩子的资料登记错误。资料储存在游泳协会的档案里 本校无法帮您更改。请联络游泳协会 - 电邮 sport_swimsafer@sport.gov.sg 或者拨电 63457111 不便之处敬请原谅

After attempting the questions, click on OK at this pop-up

After attempting the questions, click on OK at this pop-up

Step 3: After attempting the questions, click on OK at this pop-up.

Check out your results at the top of the page

Check out your results at the top of the page

Step 4: Check out your results at the top of the page.


Sequence 4 - ActiveSG - SwimSafer Quiz Portal - Scroll to Bottom of Page (Click Well Done).png

Step 5: IMPORTANT: CLICK ON THE ‘WELL DONE’ BUTTON AGAIN. You will need to click on this button to ensure your results are recorded.

请在次点击蓝色 WELL DONE 按钮

Frequently Asked Questions About the SwimSafer Test

A. What if my child is late for the practical session?

Please try not to be late for the practical test as it makes the child nervous and might affect his/her overall performance. The assessment will go on according to the time allocated and if your child arrives too late for his/her slot, he/she will not be able to attend and will be marked as failed. No refunds or retests will be entertained for late-comers.

B.  What if I forget about the session and my child doesn’t show up? Can I schedule for another session or a refund?

Unfortunately, once your child’s name is submitted to the association, there will strictly be no rescheduling or refunds entertained. Should your child miss the test, it will be considered as such and he/she will have to retake the same level (together with the new level, if he/she qualifies for it) on another day.

C.  What if my child is sick on the day of the practical test?

If your child unfortunately falls sick on the day of the practical test, we will require a medical certificate for the exact day to be submitted. The certificate will be submitted to the association for consideration for a retest. Do note that there will be no refunds of fees for such situations and all decisions will be made by the association.

D. What if I forget my child’s clothing?

As all these are important items to assess your child’s ability during the test, the child will be deemed as failed if they do not have the items with them. Hence, please help our children to ensure that they have everything with them on the day.

E. Who is the tester?

Coach Nian, along with some of our usual coaches, will be the testers. There will also be an assessor being allocated to each of the sessions to ensure that it is carried out fairly and as impartial as possible. This is also the reason why it will be difficult for us to “close one eye” for lateness, absenteeism and/or forgetting to bring items.

F. How long is each test?

Each SwimSafer practical test lasts from 30 minutes to 60 minutes subjected to the number of participants and levels.

G. What happens if it rains during the test?

The assessment will continue to run if there is no lightning alert. In the event of a lightning alert, the test will be put on hold for at least 30 minutes until the lightning alert ceases, in which case the session will continue. In the unlucky event of prolonged bad weather, there is a possibility that the test will be postponed to another day. If that happens, we will keep all parents informed and updated.